Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thirty thumbnails: Barack Obama

I'm starting out this series with Barack Obama. Our first exercise was to develop fifty thumbnail sketches for the image. One of these we will then refine into a color comp.

We were asked to describe our project using five words or less. Mine are, "Portraits documenting the Presidental race." For the Obama piece, my words are, "Seen as answer but unproven." I was asked by one of my instructor's, Bunny Carter, how I saw Barack Obama. I said he is propped up, new, high expections, viewed with caution (can he do it?).

My thoughts now are to take one of the thumbnails and use his white shirt (business, serious, white collar, respected, etc.) and enlarge it to contrast his thinness and to question his ability to fill his expected role.

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